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Answering your Questions Part 2

Q3. What is a General Service?

Most Pest Business recommend an annual treatment of your home. Some call it a CASY some call the annual Spray some call them a general spray or service. I myself like to call it a Full House Treatment. As a rule of thumb consider the price being asked as well. A General Service should cover Cockroaches, Silverfish and (Y) webbing spiders (CASY). Because I like to do a bit more service stuff I include checking for red backs and a bit of advice on pantry storage if there are any signs of stored food pest or rodents. The important thing here is that THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE TERMITES. Termites also should be checked but it’s a myth that it’s a once a year job. If your house has no preventative measure for termite attack the inspection time between checks can be as little as a month. You need to do a proper inspection. Also worth noting that a “Termite Check” is not a Pest Inspection. After the inspection, the inspector will tell you how often you should do your inspection or get some preventative measures carried out. Such as a Termite Barrier or even some plumbing repairs. Failure to do this means that inspections need to be more frequent.

Q4. What’s the difference between a warranty, a guarantee and a service free period?

A warranty is a guarantee of the integrity of a product and of the maker’s responsibility for it. In a sense, the guarantee is the more general term and warranty is the more specific (that is, written and a legal term). So how do we offer a warranty for our services? Well, it can get very confusing and different Pest Companies do things differently. There can be poor product application, the products may fail (old stock, the chemical is stored incorrectly that sort of thing). Other things can be, floor gets mopped or even worse steam mopped and all the chemical is removed. (true story) a lady complained that my treatment didn’t work (Still seeing cockroaches in the kitchen) My boss at the time booked that I respray her kitchen (12-month warranty) I get to the house start my check for cockroach casings and poo and its spotless then I see my hidden gel applications are also gone but wow the kitchen is so clean… so I asked her is this a new kitchen? “Oh yes”, she proudly exclaims(not really covered for that) . Anyway back to my point. My estimates on my own services are that chemicals will still be working for 12 months but starting to diminish in effectiveness I also include a growth regulator in all my internal house sprays that stop the breeding cycles of cockroaches and silverfish. So this is why I only offer that I return for 9 months (Service Period). You should know the treatment has worked within the next month or two to be fair. The newer chemicals do seem to take a little longer to work but they tend to have a better transfer affect which mean total elimination of an infestation. In addition it is recommend to keep control of cockroaches and pest in your house that a 12 month period is sufficient. Treating an infestation is something different altogether and may require a follow up treatment to get under control.

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Your Pest Control Questions Part 1

In this blog, I will attempt to answer your pest control questions.

Q1. What’s the difference between Pest Control and Pest Management?

It is a difference in thinking. “control” refers to killing the pest (usually with a synthetic pesticide). It does not consider the prevention of the pest problem. Pest “control” aims to solve a problem after it occurs (curative method). A pest “management” program seeks to prevent pests from establishing themselves as a problem. Yes, I call my business Logan Pest Control because most customers call us when they have a problem. I do wish more customers telephoned me to prevent pests. Prevention is better than a cure, but I hope the household pests in your homes and workplaces are not a problem. To prevent pests from invading your place, book an appointment today. I recommended a once-a-year treatment, and the best time to book for prevention is from August to December.

Q2. What’s the difference between White Ants and Termites?

The simple answer is “Nothing”. They are the same thing. Because termites look and behave a little like ants (they live in the ground with six legs), they have been nicknamed.

“White Ants”. Pest Technicians prefer to call them Termites, a unique species and not an ant at all. So amazing you need a special licence to eradicate termites professionally.

Licence. Australian timber pests require an add-on qualification to their technician’s Licence. Many people don’t realise other timber pests can damage wood, and technicians need to understand and know the various types of borers and the damage they can do.
If you have other pest control questions, email, and I will include them in my blog.

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Webbing Spiders

Redback spiders love the heat and you can find them under childrens swing sets and in cubby houses, stacks of timber, under tin sheeting, old tires and in you ceiling and subfloor. Other favourite spot is in the metal shed along the floor or in the pool drain. Redback venom is very dangerous to young children. Not only will I spot spray any adult spiders, I will also take away the eggs for you because, the egg sacks protect the young eggs from pesticides. All my house treatments include any webbing spiders in the home. Usually, I like to leave the webs for several days to get any spiders that are hiding, but I will get those hard to reach webs in the corner of your staircase. Just part of the service!

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Do you have stored clothing/ favourite books/ old letters or papers stored away and haven’t been seen in years? Do you have things stored at a storage facility? If you do, there is a good chance you have silverfish eating away at your old High School Certificate and your House Champion’s Ribbon. Again, I can prevent this from happening. Keep your memories safe call me on 0420473890. Silverfish are included in all my annual house treatments.

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Many regard Mosquitos as the most dangerous animal on the planet. Takes a while to sink in, but one bite from a mosquito can cause symptoms of deceases and even death. Symptoms are non-specific and include fever, headache, joint pain, rash, tiredness, general discomfort, and itchiness. Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika virus are all transmitted by mosquitoes. Unique mosquito diseases to Australia are Ross River Virus, Barmah Forest Virus, Murray Valley Encephalitis and Kunjin. Do you have them breeding in your birdbath or fish pond? Perhaps you have a nice water feature or some Bromeliads? Does the guttering need some cleaning/maintenance? What about all the stuff in your yard, pot plant trays, old tires, pet food bowls or buckets, your uncovered boat or even in your car? Yes, it’s always great to tip out all the water and make drain holes so they don’t fill up if you can, but there is a lot more you should do! Call me 0420473890 and I can make that next barbeque Mozzie free. I am happy to help you take control of these very annoying and dangerous pests.