Is there something I should do before you do the pest service? Yes, there is…

  1. Pick Up The Items On The Floor

It is essential to pick up any loose items before arriving. This includes children’s toys, pet toys, clothes, empty food packets, water bowls and dog dishes. This ensures that we can adequately treat the main areas of your home and prevent the spread of pests to other places.

  1. A Bit Of Cleaning It is important to vacuum and clean all areas that will be treated before we arrive. Most household pests like to run along the skirting boards and only usually venture to the middle of the room when they are dying or going directly to a food or water source.

The most significant benefit of spraying on a clean surface is that there is no immediate need to clean up after the treatment, which needs time to work effectively. Some chemicals can take up to four weeks to eliminate specific pests. People often ask me, “How long until I can mop”? My answer is always the same “When you have to”. Sweeping and vacuuming are the two best ways to clean up after treatment. If you do mop, try and leave a 10cm gap along the internal walls (The crawl zone). If you mop the chemical away, you can completely wipe out your treatment, particularly if you use a steam mop.

  1. Organise Your Pets

Pets should be kept out of the way during treatment. This includes putting them in a separate room or cage and ensuring they cannot access the treated area until it is dry. Cover fish, lizards, turtles, snakes, guinea pigs and birds. Oh, and please warn the Technician if you have any unusual pets that bite. Drying can take as long as three hours, especially in rainy weather.

  1. There Is No Need To Move Heavy Furniture Or White Goods

It is unnecessary to move beds, lounges, bookcases or refrigerators. These areas can be treated with Aerosol sprays, Dust, or Gels.

  1. In Summery

Remember to pick up all items off the floor and give every area along the internal skirting boards a good sweep and vacuum. Please keep your pets away until it dries as chemicals may cause skin irritation. Be sure to put on some footwear yourself so you don’t get the product on your feet, and if you do, please wash them with warm soapy water.

Thanks for reading.

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